About “Happily: The Musical”




Every resident of The Six Kingdoms aspires to reach their “happily ever after”. For many years, thousands of overlapping stories were being told simultaneously. Some people got to live wonderful lives filled with adventure. The less fortunate became villains, fighting for happiness by destroying the happiness of others. In an attempt to calm the chaos, a group of sorcerers joined forces to place an enchantment on the land.

When a child is born, a book is bestowed upon them. The tome is blank at first. As they grow, their story unfolds across its pages. All life books are held in the Remember Crest Castle. In accordance with the high magic, no one needs to read their fate in order to live it. They feel the call of the spell and live harmoniously in the story that was chosen for them. Unfortunately, the magic is imperfect. In rare instances, a person may break from their predetermined destiny. Young adults are most likely to fall victim to this affliction, so the sorcerers devised a remedy. If a young person is struggling with their story, they will be delivered to the castle and put through trials until they are firmly under the spell of the land once more.

At the start of our main story, we are introduced to a group of students arriving at the castle for their re-education. In order to leave the castle, the students must each give a “happily ever after” statement, declaring their intention for living out their story. If their statement aligns with the sorcerers’ vision, they are free to go. If their statement does not align, they will be banished. Unbeknownst to them, this group of students have been hand-selected for a reason.

With an emphasis on queer representation, this story is all about cultivating self-love. Characters learn that finding your authentic self in a world with strict rules can be made easier with the love of friends and partners.

“That’s what true love is. When you love someone so much
that you remind them to love themself.”

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